The Most Important Quality Required for Seniors & Retirees to Succeed Online


If you’re short on time, the answer is… CONSISTENCY!

Having an online business has some differences from having a JOB like most of us did for most of our lives.

You have to build your own reputation by working to increase your exposure here online.

and Consistency is the key to success.

This is without a doubt the most important quality that any senior or retiree entrepreneur needs to have to build a successful online business.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.

One of the biggest reasons most people fail at online marketing is because of a lack of consistency.

  • If you start a blog, you should aim for one or two blog posts a day… every day… or every week.
  • If you’re making videos for YouTube, aim to make a video daily or every other day or one per week.
  • If you are creating an online presence using social media, you should “show up” 2 to 3 times per day, or at least once per day or every other day, depending on your schedule.

It doesn’t matter if you work on your business daily or once every two or three days. What matters is that you have a fixed schedule and stick to it.

Consistent action creates consistent results.

Inch by Inch Life’s a Cinch

There’s an old saying, “Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard.” This is especially true for seniors trying to find their footing online.

It will be a Herculean task to learn it all in a day or even a month.

You’ll need to do a little each day. Today you learn how to buy a domain. The next day you learn how to point the nameservers to your hosting. The day after that you learn how to install WordPress… and a couple of days after that, you make your first post.

If you do it in baby steps, you’ll make slow but sure progress. You’ll not aggravate yourself by struggling to do too much. What do you call this slow and steady approach? 

You call it consistency. That’s what you call it.

Repetition is Mother of Skill

Anything you do over and over will become easier. The first website will always be the hardest to create. The first video (should you choose to make one) will be the most awkward to do. The first blog post you write will be the toughest.

My “firsts” were all a big bust.

  • My first video looked and sounded terrible.  But it got quite a few views and comments.
  • My first webinar; I forgot to hit the “record” button so could not offer a replay for those that missed it.
  • My first graphics we just flat-out AWFUL.

But I kept on, got better little by little and poof, before you knew it, I was making a good income!

That’s because it’s all new to you and you’re learning as you’re doing.

Repetition is crucial for you to get better at what you do. Repetition leads to mastery… and you can only have repetition if you’re consistent.

Taking breaks that are too long will cause you to regress.

Daily action even for short periods, is better than long hours of action that happens once every two months.

Consistent action will make you more proficient in every skill you’re trying to master.

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

Initially, you should keep things simple. It’s easier to be ‘good enough’ rather than to be perfect.

There is no such thing as perfection, and even excellence takes a long time to achieve.

Simplicity allows for repetition and consistency. If you take two weeks to create a fantastic video for you site, this is two weeks gone and you only have one video. You’re better off creating several videos that are not excellent, but good enough to watch.

You can spend 20 to 30 minutes a day working on that one ‘fantastic’ video… while consistently focusing on creating several other ‘good enough’ videos.

When you’re online, good content is king. The more content you have out there, the better. So, be consistent and put out good stuff. As you improve over time, creating excellent content will be much faster and easier. Start small and do a lot.

To wrap things up, always remember that what you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.

Be consistent and make measurable progress in reasonable time.

Where to get good PLR every week

The 5 Dollar Friday site gives away 24 or more pieces of PLR every week… at no cost. That’s right… FREE.

What they do is buy up software rights. They do sell the best of the best of course and for usually only $5 to $25. But the rest, worth anywhere from $7 to $70 is GIVEN AWAY for you to use as you see fit in your business. Every week they put up software valued in total of around $200 and give it away with no strings attached.Using PLR to Launch Your Success in online marketing as a Senior or Retiree

What can you do with all of that software?

A lot of it has articles that you can use on Social media as mentioned above.

Some of the PLR is actually software or training on how to be more successful in marketing.

You can put together packages of articles or similar software to give away as lead magnets. For example, you could collect all the PLR on YouTube marketing and put them together to train your group or tribe. Or you could sell to others!

As a senior or retiree, PLR will save you hundreds of hours in product development time by providing extremely high value for your marketing dollar… especially if it is free!

Bottom line is that PLR whether you pay for it or get it for free is a great way to build your business… and your income!

Next Article:

Fred “The Submarine Guy” Raley


Leave a Comment:

David says February 19, 2022

Good post Fred, I would disagree with a little bit though. While I agree that you don’t have to write a blog post every day etc. There are enough tasks in building and running an online business that you should do something everyday.
A couple of years ago I came across an article called “No Zero Days” and It has kind of become my mantra. I always (key word here) try to do something for my business everyday not matter how small a thing it is.

    Frederick Raley says February 19, 2022

    Excellent point David. I agree with you all the way. Problem is, the longer you stay away from your business, the less chance you will come back to it. Well stated point here and thanks again for the thoughtful comment.

Doug says February 24, 2022

solid post; i like the 5$ Friday tip and will check it out

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