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Irresistible List Building Lead Magnet Ideas for Seniors and Retirees

The two most pressing issues struggling marketers want to know more about are list building and traffic. The two go hand-in-hand. In order to build a list, you need traffic to your site.

But once those visitors have arrived, you have to have an offer that is unbeatable in terms of convincing individuals to hand over their contact information and agree to be contacted by you in the future.

There are several ways you can entice people to do this. Some people try to take the safe route, creating a common slant that doesn’t rock the boat or cause too much discussion.  But as you have likely learned by being a senior and/or retiree from all your experience, having a controversial or surprising message always helps far more in getting your message across.

A better way to handle it is to focus on topics and strategies that have your customers expecting great things from you. This is often intimidating to newer marketers, who don’t want to over-estimate the value they’re going to give and risk disappointing someone.

They start honing in on the question of whether or not the subscriber will feel like it was worth it to enter their name and email address. Instead of taking the safe route, you want to shake things up and make a splash as a formidable niche leader.  Think of your favorite teachers or coaches over your lifetime.  Were they boring or exciting?  Did they bring out good ideas or boring old ones?  Stories with surprise endings or just matter-of-fact stuff that put you to sleep?

Teach Them How to Cut Costs

One of the most important things to many of your subscribers will be money saving tips.  As a senior in life, you likely know the importance of that simple topic! Regardless of whether or not you are talking about the marketing niche, survival, or even weight loss, people need to know how to get the best results and meet their goals without spending a small fortune.

You can help your buyers shop smart by learning how to strategically evaluate the products and tools they are considering. You can show them how to use certain tactics – such as couponing or shopping during deal days – in order to get the most for their money.

Because of the fact that your lead magnet is free, and promises to help them save money on things they are spending cash on, it will go a long way to create good will between you and your new subscriber.

There are some people who charge an arm and a leg for a guide on how to save money, which kind of defeats the purpose. Instead, they want to squeeze as much out of their readers as possible, regardless of whether or not it hurts them.  Be smart and don’t be afraid to give away your best tips, tricks, strategies, etc.  No doubt you have more than one!  Giving away your best stuff will have folks coming back for more.

Give Them an Amazing Shortcut or Hack

Second to money savings, your prospective subscribers will appreciate saving time, too. Time is a commodity that is in short supply for most individuals. You might be teaching them how to fit exercise in throughout their busy day.  No doubt you have heard that a couple of hundred times during your lifetime.  Whether you are a senior or a younger marketer, staying in good shape throughout life is a constant effort.

Or, you could be showing them how to save time writing content for their blog if you’re in the marketing niche. If you’re in survival, you might be teaching them how to quickly and easily escape a dangerous survival situation, and they will appreciate having this knowledge.

If you are going with a shortcut or hack type of lead magnet, you can have an entire report about one particular hack, such as a report that teaches people how to meal prep in order to stick to a specific calorie count and avoid the temptation of eating junk food because they aren’t in a rush.

Or, you can create a report that is full of many shortcuts and hacks that will help your readers achieve more throughout the day in a shorter amount of time. When they are implementing your advice and freeing up more hours in their day, they will be more apt to return to your site for additional guidance that can improve their quality of life.

Press on an Extreme Pain Point

In just about every niche, there are one or more pain points that almost seems crippling to your audience. It can be an emotional reaction, financial, or even physical. You can address these issues with a lot of empathy, followed by solutions that will help them ease the pain they are experiencing.

It’s important in marketing to get inside your prospects head.  Some trainers call this joining the ongoing conversation in your prospects mind.  What are they worried about?  What are they dreading?  And then, think of how you can solve those problems for them with your product or service.

For example, there may be people in the weight loss niche that feel the pain of failure. They have been dieting for years, the scale is on a rollercoaster that goes up and down, and they are experiencing shame that won’t subside.

If you can help people ease their emotional wounds and get back on track, it will go a long way in building trust between the two of you. Failure is a great pain point to discuss in a lead magnet, but it’s not the only one.  If you have struggled with weight over your lifetime, as a senior or retiree, you have a story to tell to help relate to your prospects perceived problems.

You might also highlight issues such as not being able to afford things, whether it’s in regards to courses, training, or supplies. There is shame and frustration that goes along with lacking the money that you need to achieve your goals.

Whenever you want to create a lead magnet on a pain point, list the emotional, physical and financial problems associated with your niche. It might be something based on fear, anger, money, time, or even literal pain such as arthritis in some niches.

Pair a Guide with Over-the-Shoulder Videos

Most people who create a lead magnet do so by writing a short report, converting it into a PDF document, and zipping it up for their subscribers to download and read on their own time.

But keep in mind that not everyone likes to read. Video is one of the most popular media formats that people can learn from. Whether you are creating a slide presentation (free with Google Docs) or filming yourself on camera discussing a certain issue, they may absorb it better if it is presented in video as opposed to text.

There are also times when you can pair the two and gift your new subscribers a guide, along with a video series that helps show the readers what you’ve been discussing in more detail.

I do this with every article.  First, I write the article.  Then I take the key points, 5 or 6 of them and turn them into a 7-15 minute video.  The video can then link back to your blog article (like this one) for more info.  Advertise your video on social media… folks like short videos… and that will get you not only more video views, but more article views on your blog as well.

You may want to split test the two and see which type of media format offer converts better for you, including a hybrid of the two. It may turn out that you don’t present well with video, or your audience is one that prefers text instead.

Provide a Case Study They Can Follow

They say that the proof is in the pudding. No matter what niche you are in, your readers will appreciate the opportunity to follow along with a detailed case study that proves to them that you know what you’re talking about.

This could be a case study about how you used private label rights (PLR) to start earning $100 a day in a particular niche. You can show them how you shopped for the perfect PLR vendor, for example.

You might go on and share how you tweaked the content, where you posted it, and what monetary or other return you got from each item that you used. Make sure you give a detailed account of everything you did.

If and when you create a case study, keep in mind that your readers will not be as well-versed as you are about the situation. You want to speak to them and show them the process from a newbie standpoint so that they aren’t left with more questions than answers.

Devise a List of Top Tools, Courses or Leaders

In many different inches, you will consistently be asked by your audience about the best items that they should be returning to in order to achieve their goals. They may want to know about an email autoresponder tool, the best plug-ins that will help them get their blog search engine optimized, or who they should follow if they want to learn more about creating sales copy that converts.

If you can deliver a lead magnet that shows them the path to take whenever they want to invest their time and or money in tools, courses, and leaders, it will help them start off on the right foot and assist them in avoiding any missteps.

This also shows that you have a good ability to curate good information for your niche audience. That means, whenever they see that you have a new blog post – such as a top 10 product review list – they will eagerly devour that information in the future.

Make a Simple Checklist Out of a Long Process

When you’re creating an effective lead magnet, it’s not about volume. It’s about need and effectiveness. You can create a 100-page eBook and give it away free, but that doesn’t guarantee that anyone will sign up for it.

There are many times when a simple checklist will be all your visitor needs to sign up for your list in exchange for the free gift. For example, you might have a checklist of 20 daily marketing tasks that will grow your income.

Or, you could have a checklist 17 weight loss habits they should integrate into their day if they want consistent weight loss. Or, you might hand over a checklist of everything they need for a 72-hour bug out bag if you’re in the survival niche.

Reverse an Idea to Pique Their Interest

Everyone has typical slants such as, “Top 10 Tips for Success.” These are so common and numerous, that your customer may have become blind to those offers, or assume they have heard it all before.

Instead of using something that everyone else is doing, switch things up. You can pique the interest of the prospective subscriber by promising to show them why they are failing as opposed to how to succeed.

They may have been trying to figure this out for months or even years, and are tempted by your offer so that they can see where they’ve been going wrong. You can do this in many different niches, such as the number one reason why your body refuses to lose more weight.

Or, you might create one on 10 survival mistakes you may not know you’re making. These mysterious slants make people want to sign up just to make sure they aren’t doing something wrong.

Highlight a Top 10 List of Strategies or Things They Need to Know

While it’s always nice to get list of products, courses, and people to follow, it’s also important to know what tactics to learn so that you can achieve your goals. For instance, with weight loss, there are dozens upon dozens of diet plans you can cover.

Each of these actually works to help people lose weight, but they all have different pros and cons to following them. The same can be said for making money online. There are many different ways to send traffic to your website, both free and paid.

If you can help them separate the wheat from the chaff, it will position you at the top of their go-to guru list. Even if you only narrow it down to 5 or 10 as opposed to the number one best strategy, it helps them eliminate many different things that would’ve wasted their time in money.

Share Printables They Can Put to Use Immediately

Printables have become very popular online in many different niches. Whether you are mapping out your goals, journaling about your struggles, tracking your weight loss, checking off survival supplies, etc., being able to print out someone else’s readymade template or checklist – or even a journal page or calendar, can be very helpful and convenient.

There are many instances where people cannot find the type of resource they need in a major chain store or on a site like Amazon, and they don’t know how to make it themselves (or don’t have time to).

When you are one of the participants in the same niche, you will know more about what people actually need in order to stay on the right path to success. You may have created templates for yourself, and you can make blank ones for your subscribers to download, too.

Printables do not have to be large bundles of content. You can have a single checklist, one page printable and give that away as your lead magnet if it is valuable enough to your target audience.

Or, you can take the route where you do bundle up different types of printables for them to download and use in their life to make things easier. For example, with the weight loss niche you might give them a pack with printables for meal planning, pounds lost, calorie counts or carb counts, and more.

If you’re in the marketing niche, you might have a printable where you give them a checklist or planner printable with all of the tasks listed for an info product launch. That might include tasks such as recruiting affiliates, setting up their listings on their platform of choice, etc.

Creating an irresistible lead magnet is really summed up by being willing to take risks and be bold. Try to set yourself apart from the usual content they see on offers like this. When you’re able to do this, you’ll be positioning your offer as a no-risk enticement where their curiosity is more powerful than their ability to pass it by.

Don’t forget this!

Your lead magnet will do you no good no matter how well it is presented… unless you are building your email list with it!  In online marketing, it is critical to be able to followup with your prospects.  A statistic to remember is that 80% of all sales are made between the 5th and the 12th contact.  Sometimes even as high as 20 or more contacts are needed before your prospect will develop enough trust in you to buy your product or service.

So give your prospect LOTS of chances to learn about you and your product or service for which they are interested by emailing them lots of information:

  • Product or service info of course
  • Benefits of  your product or service
  • Options to buy one or more
  • Guarantees
  • Refunds
  • Options like color, quantities, sizes, etc.
  • Payment options

The topics for you to write about are endless.

Also, don’t feel bashful about repeating topics or re-sending emails.  Typical open rates for emails are usually below 50%, sometimes WAY below.  So emailing your “non-openers” gives them a second chance to get your info.  I find if I send a second email to the “non-openers”, I get at least 50% of the original number in new opens.  So it’s like adding 50% to your chance to make a sale!  and email is FREE marketing when you have them on YOUR LIST!  Aweber is our autoresponder of choice.  Too many features to talk about here.

Where to get good PLR every week

The 5 Dollar Friday site gives away 24 or more pieces of PLR every week… at no cost. That’s right… FREE.

What they do is buy up software rights. They do sell the best of the best of course and for usually only $5 to $25. But the rest, worth anywhere from $7 to $70 is GIVEN AWAY for you to use as you see fit in your business. Every week they put up software valued in total of around $200 and give it away with no strings attached.Using PLR to Launch Your Success in online marketing as a Senior or Retiree

What can you do with all of that software?

A lot of it has articles that you can use on Social media as mentioned above.

Some of the PLR is actually software or training on how to be more successful in marketing.

You can put together packages of articles or similar software to give away as lead magnets. For example, you could collect all the PLR on YouTube marketing and put them together to train your group or tribe. Or you could sell to others!

As a senior or retiree, PLR will save you hundreds of hours in product development time by providing extremely high value for your marketing dollar… especially if it is free!

Bottom line is that PLR whether you pay for it or get it for free is a great way to build your business… and your income!

Next Article:

Fred “The Submarine Guy” Raley




A Marketer’s Guide to Simplifying Your Success for Seniors & Retirees

A Marketers Guide to Simplifying Your Success as a Senior or Retiree


nline entrepreneurs want to build a successful business and grow their brand in the fastest time possible. There are many parts necessary to achieve this, but the most important is cutting through the noise and knowing what to focus on to make that happen.  This is especially true for seniors and retirees starting out in online marketing.

Whether you’re a newcomer to online marketing or a seasoned entrepreneur, there will be times when you suddenly realize you have too many plates spinning in the air at once.

You’re overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities, endless tasks, a number of projects and countless ideas, making it hard for you to figure out what you should focus your attention on in that moment.

Once you learn how to prioritize and simplify your business dealings, you’ll not only see your success grow, but your personal satisfaction with this career will soar. Whittling down your task list and fine tuning your focus will free you up to serve your audience in the best way possible.  Your life experiences as a senior and/or retiree will serve you well in becoming a huge success in business.

Be the Source of Endless Value Your Customers Are Seeking

If you don’t offer value, then you have nothing to offer. Why would an audience want to give you their time or their money if they’re not receiving something beneficial to them in return?

When you have something to give that people need or want, including insight and expertise, they’re going to seek you out. But some marketers don’t grasp what value means, and instead of learning to serve their customers, they waste time churning out products that get ignored in the marketplace.

To a customer, value means there’s a benefit that’s worth them giving up what’s important to them – their time or money. There are many choices for consumers today in the same niche that you’re in.

That’s why you want to be sure that your offer creates endless value. It’s a no-brainer because it’s just too good to pass up. You may not know how to create endless value. It’s a lot easier than you think.

You need to focus on going above and beyond when you’re creating your products or developing your services. If you create info products, this might be something like including bonuses you didn’t mention on the sales page.

The customer gets what he ordered and discovers that he also got these additional benefits from other items that you included. He’s delighted. He got his value and then some because you went the extra mile.Success as a Senior or Retiree using online marketing

He’s going to remember that in the future and when he has a similar need, your brand is going to be the one he thinks of. Your business can be a source of value by answering customer support emails.

Some marketers ignore this. They take the money from the customer from the sale and as far as they’re concerned, the transaction is done and the deal is closed. But when a customer reaches out to you, whether it’s for a negative or positive reason, they’re opening the door for a connection.

Many irritated or unhappy people have been turned into loyal customers simply because a marketer took the time to respond. You can create value when you provide helpful tips if you’re promoting someone else’s product.

For example, when you’re promoting something as an affiliate, take the time to include a helpful tip or two on the topic. It could be that you’re promoting a business course and you know some things that could also help when they’re using that course.

Tell them about that and then encourage them to click a link you have on the topic in order to get more helpful advice. Even if the person doesn’t buy that particular product, they’re going to stay on your list because you provided value.

Communicate with Your Audience Regularly

When you’re first building an online business (and even if you have an established one), you must have an audience – your subscribers and customers. The right type of communication allows you to retain them.

Communication simplified just means that you’re engaging with the people who are or may potentially be interested in your business. It’s important that the sites you choose to promote your business or offers are ones that your audience frequents.

There’s a usually difference between the places young adults and older ones spend time online. Knowing that difference lets you get your products in front of people who are more likely to buy.

You need to create a communication style that’s personal. People who are addressed by name are more likely to engage with your company than someone who’s called “dear customer.”

Simplifying Your Success in online marketing as a Senior or RetireeBy engaging with your audience, you create trust, which goes beyond them seeing you as someone who’s just looking for a sale. Engaging with them builds a relationship. The stronger the relationship, the more long-term loyalty you’ll end up building.

That’s why you should communicate with your audience, but you need to know where you should communicate with them. Working online, you need an email autoresponder list.

Even if you have zero customers, you should still set one up. Out of all the communication opportunities, creating a list is the most important. Because instead of waiting to see if they contact you, you’ll be able to reach out to them.

They might also be more likely to buy from a link provided in an email than via social media. You also have an opportunity to introduce new or more products, learn what they respond to and get a better conversation rate.

Communicate through your blog posts. Give your audience something that benefits them. You can do this by giving them takeaways. Share guidance on how to help their lives or business.

Teach them what you know or what you’re learning. Offer a live tutorial to help customers with the product or services that you’re offering to them. Comment to them and respond to questions.

This allows the audience to feel like they’re getting to know you. Be active on the social media sites where your audience hangs out. Share things that are relevant, or helpful and give a sneak peek into your life.

Don’t constantly push products or sales. Whatever communication style you’re using, you need to create a schedule for this. If you show up randomly, then eventually your audience disappears.

Even if you only update once a month, you need to do so consistently so that your audience knows when to expect the content. If you need to, you can schedule in advance to keep up the consistency.

Always Look for Ways to Monetize Your Message

Your branding success and profits increase the more you get your message in front of an audience. While you certainly don’t want to come across as a pushy salesman, you do want to build your business, and there are subtle ways to do this.

To start, make sure you’re always looking for ways to monetize your message. It doesn’t matter where the customer is getting the message from—whether it’s through an email list, on your blog or on social media.

Whenever you monetize a message online, you’ll want to choose ones that you know are high value. Because the more value they give, the more important these offers become to the customer.

When they get one product that benefits them, they’ll be looking for more. There are some things you’re going to want to watch out for when you’re monetizing because it could backfire on you.Monetization of your articles is a key to your Success in online marketing as a Senior or Retiree

As you look for ways to monetize, don’t just choose any random product if you’re an affiliate. A bad product will cost you customers – even if the product isn’t yours. If you value profit over customers, then you’re more apt to pick products that don’t necessarily deliver on their promises.

If you do get involved with an affiliate program or you’re in a partnership with another marketer, it’s imperative that the products you choose are ones that will be useful to your audience.

You also want to make sure you’re promoting someone who’s ethical if you’re monetizing as part of a partnership. Never blindly recommend something. If you don’t know that person or you have no experience with that product, buy it yourself first and test it out.

When you post a blog, see if there are any recommendations you can make. If you make a video tutorial, add any links to the products you used or mention in the description.

Make sure that you add links to your own products, too. For example, if you have a welcome series, then have a link from the email linking to that product offer or to a blog post tutorial that mentions and links out to the product.

You can find ways to monetize your blog post with text and image links, your podcasts with verbal recommendations, your videos, your social media presence, and your email autoresponder list.

Be Immune to What the Competition Is Doing

It’s common for marketers to think about their competition, especially when they see a competitor in the same niche having a lot of success. With so much competition, you’re bound to run up against someone who’s working on the same idea that you are – or they have a product that’s a lot like yours.

While it’s common to think about the competition, there’s a difference between occasionally thinking about your competitors and dwelling on them to the point where it causes problems in your own productivity.

If you’re wondering what they’re doing more often than not – or you’re experiencing a heavy burden of envy, then you’re too focused on things outside of your own business growth.

Goal-based planning helps Simplify Your Success in online marketing as a Senior or RetireeYou’ll know this is what you’re doing if you’ve ever had the thought that your competition is the reason why your customer base is low or if you’ve spent time thinking that they’re succeeding because they have more money to spend on ads, a bigger customer base, more employees and things like that.

Thought it can be difficult to fathom, your competition really isn’t the enemy of your brand. If there’s a business that’s thriving and they’re offering similar products or services in the same niche that you’re in, all it means is that the market is good for whatever it is you have to offer.

Don’t let your attention get diverted away from focusing on your projects so that you’re thinking rashly or taking action steps based on what some other business is doing. Not only can this cause you stress, but it can also cost you financially in the long run.

It starts to create some negative thinking. The next thing you know, you’re caught up in the comparison game and you end up stuck in that awful headspace. You start to feel that what you’re doing compared to what the competition is doing isn’t good enough.

Plus, there’s another downside to paying attention to what others are doing. Seeing what another business is working on can cause you to stop doing whatever it is that you’d planned to do.

You might get focused on the fact a similar product is already out there or it’s already been done, so there’s no need for you to create a similar one. You end up quitting before you even really got started.

What you may fail to realize is that someone may prefer to  hear the message from you. You might explain it in a better way or simplify it and it clicks with that person, so they buy from you instead of your competitor.

Focus on Self Satisfaction Through Goal Completion

As you complete a goal, it brings self-satisfaction.  As a senior and/or retiree, I’m sure you have come across this in your life experiences.  You’ll be happy and accomplished about the things that you’ve achieved. Studies have shown that people who set and reach goals obtain more success than those who don’t.

When you complete milestones, they help contribute to your long term goals for your business. As you achieve each one, it can bring you closer to the strategy that you’ve planned as the outcome for your business and your future.

Completing goals give you a sense of mastery. You set out to do something and you did it. You’ll be able to see the results of your efforts. You’ll see a subscriber list that’s grown from zero to thousands – and a bank account that’s thriving.

Goals are rarely completed in just one move. Instead, they’re built of several smaller steps and each of these steps that you complete gives you a sense of self satisfaction. That helps you develop the confidence that you need as an entrepreneur.Setting Marketing Goals is important in online marketing as a Senior or Retiree

Each time you finish a goal, you strengthen the mindset or belief in yourself that you’ve got this – that you can do what you set out to accomplish. You’ll want to focus on the improvement that you experience or the personal growth that you go through as a result of completing your goals.

You’re not the same person that you were when you first set out to do the task or project. You grew in terms of skills and knowledge – and you gained wisdom as you worked.

Part of that self-satisfaction stems from the fact that overcoming obstacles and accomplishing the goals has allowed you to see that you can handle things that you never thought you would be able to.

As you complete the goals, it becomes a motivating factor that keeps you on track and keeps pushing you forward. Because you get a sense of satisfaction, it triggers the reward center of the brain and you can become addicted to setting and achieving your goals and finding success, which is a good thing.

When you decide to set your goals, start by knowing what your why is. That’s the reason that will help you keep going when you want to quit. Keep that before you so that you can focus on how you’ll feel once you do reach the end of that goal.

Reaching a business goal gives you a self-esteem boost and it also helps develop a can-do attitude. The more goals you set and complete, the more likely you are to set and reach bigger goals going forward.

When your mind is swirling at all of the various things happening in your business, take a step back and get a good overview of what’s important in your business. Taking care of your customers is going to further your success.

Learning how to communicate with them and be a strong presence will create loyalty to you. Learn how to monetize those messages and never leave money on the table simply because you’re so frazzled, you forget.

Keep your focus on what you’re doing – not your competitors, unless it’s simply to ensure you’re leading the pack. Work on your goals and have a plan to achieve them. With these simple success strategies, you will grow further and faster than if you tried to do too much, all at once.

Where to get good PLR every week

The 5 Dollar Friday site gives away 24 or more pieces of PLR every week… at no cost. That’s right… FREE.

What they do is buy up software rights. They do sell the best of the best of course and for usually only $5 to $25. But the rest, worth anywhere from $7 to $70 is GIVEN AWAY for you to use as you see fit in your business. Every week they put up software valued in total of around $200 and give it away with no strings attached.Using PLR to Launch Your Success in online marketing as a Senior or Retiree

What can you do with all of that software?

A lot of it has articles that you can use on Social media as mentioned above.

Some of the PLR is actually software or training on how to be more successful in marketing.

You can put together packages of articles or similar software to give away as lead magnets. For example, you could collect all the PLR on YouTube marketing and put them together to train your group or tribe. Or you could sell to others!

Bottom line is that PLR whether you pay for it or get it for free is a great way to build your business… and perhaps your income!

Next Article: Irresistible List Building Lead Magnet Ideas for Seniors and Retirees

Fred “The Submarine Guy” Raley




How Retirees Can Use PLR to Brand Yourself on Social Networking Sites

The use of social networking sites has played an important role of giving leaders in the marketing world an edge over those who simply have deep pockets and can afford to buy targeted traffic.

Social networking sites house their rabid fan base, and it only takes the effort of participation to enable you to pull in some of that audience to your own blog or site.

But there are problems associated with social networks, which make some marketers squeamish about engaging there. While money isn’t an issue, time is, and time for a solo entrepreneur is very precious.

That’s where Private Label Rights (PLR) can benefit you. Not only is high quality PLR cheap ($1 per page compared to $10-20 per page for ghostwriters), but it’s available in vast quantities and can be used in an instant.

Finding the Right PLR for Social Networks

Before you even begin to use PLR on web 2.0 sites, you need to do two things. First, figure out where your target audience resides. Which platforms do they enjoy most?

For some niches, like fashion or fitness, Pinterest is a fantastic hot spot. But niches that aren’t as image-based, such as certain health topics, may not perform well there.

You have sites like:

  • Google Plus
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest…and more

Go to each one and figure out if there’s a large enough base for you there before you waste your time. See if there are hashtags (#) being used for your topics, and if groups have formed to gather your audience in one area within the site.

Once you know you have a thriving audience, you’ll want to set up an account there if you don’t already have a place. You have a couple of options. One is to be a business or brand name and the other is to be yourself.

Both are viable options – you just have to look at the pros and cons of each one and decide what’s best for your business. The second thing you want to do is start looking for viable PLR to represent you on these sites.

One thing that often causes people to shy away from social networks is the sheer overwhelm they feel when faced with managing multiple accounts and a lot of on-going content.

Private label rights can be the tool you need to help you keep a continual flow of good information positioning you as an expert – without you having to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Good content requires brainstorming of ideas and slants, researching facts and developing opinions, and crafting it all in a well-organized manner that’s easily digestible to an audience.

You’d normally think you’d have to spend hours on a task like that – or at the very least, spend a lot of money hiring a ghostwriter to do your work for you. But PLR cuts down on time and money, as long as you become a savvy shopper and understand who delivers top quality at a reasonable price.

There are many PLR providers online. You have memberships that dole out monthly packs, individuals who sell a variety of niche topics, and some people who sometimes just happen to put a PLR pack on the market, but have no steady store with available stock.

All of these are viable options for you to get PLR from. If you get a membership, the only tip you want to watch out for (aside from quality) is that you shouldn’t sign up for a membership site that rotates topics.

If you do this, you might find yourself getting diet PLR one month and dog PLR the next. This makes it difficult for you to build a substantial site with enough information in it for the long haul.

Instead, look for memberships that deliver the same topic, but unique content, month after month. For example, if you buy into a weight loss membership, you might get content about different diet plans each month, but at least the broad topic is all under one umbrella.

Individuals often have stores that either focus on a narrow or broad slant, too. These are open to the public and you can find limited or unlimited content. Some sites will just be about business topics, while others have a wide array of niche PLR for you to choose from.

Never worry about buying from multiple sources. In fact, you’ll probably develop a list of your favorite PLR providers and sign up to their list to get announcements for any special sales.

In terms of quality, you want to be looking for content that’s well written. It should read like its written by an English speaking individual. If the seller talks about a “team” of writers, then it’s hard for you to know what kind of quality you’ll get in each pack, since it might not be streamlined with a single voice.

You’ll want to consider investing in PLR with fewer rules. Some sellers are so picky, it gets difficult to follow every nitpicky rule they have in place. Find those who keep it simple.

You want PLR that can be broken up for your social networking use. So for example, if you buy a PLR eBook, you want to have the right to rip it apart and post it publicly in snippets.

Make sure you read to the end as I have found a place where you can get 24 or more pieces of PLR per week in various topics… at no cost!

Using PLR to Maintain Social Momentum

Once you find a pack of PLR where the content meets your needs, you want to purchase it and put it to use immediately. Unzip the file that you just bought and create other folders inside of it that says “Used on ____.”

You’ll have whatever social networking sites you use, such as Used on YouTube, Used on Facebook, Used on Twitter, etc. Your PLR, as you’ll learn later, can be repurposed again and again, so you want keep your investment, not just slap it up on a site as is and delete it.

Make time each and every day – no more than 10 minutes max – to pop into your social networks and post some of your PLR there. The great thing is, this will be a very short post regardless of where you’re putting it, so it shouldn’t take a lot of time at all.

The best thing you can do to brand yourself and lend credence to your claim as an authority figure is to stay at the forefront of your niche. Those who rarely post because they’re too shy, or who get easily distracted and abandon their social networking accounts, aren’t taken as seriously as those who diligently post day after day as a way to bond with their audience.

Make sure you read to the end as I have found a place where you can get 24 or more pieces of PLR per week in various topics… at no cost!

Engaging Your Followers on Social Media with PLR

Engaging your followers on social networking sites means getting them to participate right alongside you. They might respond to questions, argue with you, agree or share your posts virally.

So what’s the best way to do that? Go with what you learned in school – use the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How questions. So let’s take a look at a paragraph from a weight loss PLR report.

This report is called 5 Ways to Overcome Dieting Depression. The r=original paragraph states this:

“There are certain things you can do to prevent a mental lapse where you cave in to your negative feelings. You have to be your own motivational coach – no one else can do this.“

Now we’re going to take that one paragraph and turn it into six different social networking posts that will engage your readers. Watch how it’s done:

Who: “Who else here has a problem with diet failure due to negative feelings, causing you to cave on your diet?”

What: “What’s your best motivational tip for recovering after you cheat on a diet due to negative feelings?”

When: “When are you most prone to cave into your food cravings due to negative emotions – is it when you’re tired, sad, or angry?”

Where: “Where do you record your pattern of caving in to bad food choices due to negative feelings – a print journal, online journal, or elsewhere?”

Why: “Why do you think you associate food as comfort for negative feelings instead of a healthier choice?”

How: “Experts say, ‘There are certain things you can do to prevent a mental lapse where you cave in to your negative feelings. You have to be your own motivational coach – no one else can do this.’ So my question to you is this: How have you worked on learning to motivate yourself when the allure of cheating on your diet is so strong? We can’t do it without the proper tools!”

Notice that in most of them, we simply used the original paragraph as a springboard for our own content, with a few words taken from the original. But in the last one, we used it as curated content – quoting the original and adding our own dialogue to the mix.

That’s just one paragraph from a 5-page report. Think of how much you can do with the entire pack! And you can take those and post them all over different social networks to see how people respond.

This is also a great way to learn about your audience and start working on products to sell to them (some of which might be PLR products in eBook form or your own creations).

Make sure you read to the end as I have found a place where you can get 24 or more pieces of PLR per week in various topics… at no cost!

Take Advantage of Image Success Using PLR

Images are noticed more on social networking sites, and they’re also shared more by your target audience regardless of what network you’re on (meaning you don’t have to be on an image-heavy site like Pinterest to get shared).

So whenever you extract a snippet like a quote from a PLR pack, you can easily turn it into an image that you can post to your Facebook Fan Page, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, G+ and more.

There are many tools you can use – free or paid. Using Online eCover Creator, we can extract a single quote from that same 5-page diet report and create quote images from it.

You can find free graphics online or buy cheap ones for $0.08 to $1 on sites like DepositPhotos.com to use in your social media posts.

And this is just one single sentence. Imagine how many are in even a 5-page report that you could use! Plus, extracting controversial ones that make people pipe up with their opinion are the best – it gets conversation going.

You would probably have people chiming in here about how their “friend Sarah refuses to eat any fruits” or their “cousin Samantha who has eliminated dairy from her diet but cheats constantly.”

People will often share images like this because they want to subtly use it to “argue” with others who hold differing beliefs. So if they’ve been discussing diets with their friend or cousin, they would share your image as a way of fortifying their stance – and using you as the expert to back them up.

Make sure you read to the end as I have found a place where you can get 24 or more pieces of PLR per week in various topics… at no cost!

Repurpose Your PLR for Social Networking Fans

Using the content again and again is what will help you get the most mileage from your PLR. You not only want to combine it into larger packs and break it up into smaller snippets, but you want to turn it into completely different formats if possible.

Video is one of the best ways to repurpose your PLR. You have a couple of options here. You could read it as is. That’s okay, if you’re good at reading without it looking like you’re reading.

You can also take a snippet and use it as an idea for a video blog! Look at the quote on that image earlier – you could use that one sentence to read and then discuss your true opinion about it.

Put it on sites like YouTube and Vimeo and get it shared by others. Once the video is live, share it on other sites like Facebook, Google Plus and more.

You can also use your PLR to turn it into a podcast for your audience. Podcast publishing sites are all over the place, so just record yourself reading the content verbatim or discussing it (the same as you would on video) and then get it on the various podcasting sites so it can begin working for you.

Social networking should never take up a lot of your time. It’s meant to be easy for you to pop in and pop out of, so don’t let distractions pull you in longer than necessary.

Use your PLR to showcase your leadership in the niche and if you’re using top quality PLR, chances are your content will become viral among niche enthusiasts with very little effort.

Where to get good PLR every week

The 5 Dollar Friday site gives away 24 or more pieces of PLR every week… at no cost.  That’s right… FREE.

What they do is buy up software rights.  They do sell the best of the best of course and for usually only $5 to $25.  But the rest, worth anywhere from $7 to $70 is GIVEN AWAY for you to use as you see fit in your business.  Every week they put up software valued in total of around $200 and give it away with no strings attached.

What can you do with all of that software?

A lot of it has articles that you can use on Social media as mentioned above.

Some of the PLR is actually software or training on how to be more successful in marketing.

You can put together packages of articles or similar software to give away as lead magnets.  For example, you could collect all the PLR on YouTube marketing and put them together to train your group or tribe.  Or you could sell to others!

Bottom line is that PLR whether you pay for it or get it for free is a great way to build your business… and perhaps your income!

Next Article: A Marketer’s Guide to Simplifying Your Success for Seniors & Retirees

Fred “The Submarine Guy” Raley

